Lyngford Light Railway
A 5 inch gauge garden railway

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Home Track Tour Loco's Rolling Stock Links
 Trojan Owner's Day Sidings & pointwork New pond siding *New* Well Wagon Trains at work

Recent changes to the website:-
The newer website has been terminated by TalkTalk, supposedly giving me a better service!
I will try and integrate the new features from the new site into this one when I get time,
unless I find a suitable hosting service.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

This page updated on 16 October 2018
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My garden railway is a circuit around my garden, and there are now 2 sidings in the garage and a further siding is under construction near the pond.

It was built with 16mm Aluminium rail fixed to well creosoted soft wood sleepers. Galvanised large head clout nails were used to fix the rail to the sleepers. A rail gauge was made from a piece of aluminium angle with slots cut at 5 inch gauge to slot over the rails while fixing. Curves were formed by hand, and feet!
I tried to keep the radius of the curves as large as possible, but there are a couple of places that the radius is tight. Might even be less than the recommended minimum of ten feet!
I have taken a series of photo's during a walk around the track, they can be found by following this link:
Track Tour This page now includes a plan of the line. And an update on the new siding extensions.

I now have two loco's:

Alice, carries the number 2 and is a 4 wheel battery loco. She has a 12 volt motor from a battery lawn mower. I obtained this loco as part exchange for a 5 inch gauge steam loco that I couldn't get on with.
She has recently been repainted Blue, lined red.

No. 3 is also a 4 wheel battery loco, an industrial type narrow gauge loco built from a Ride on Railways Trojan Kit

The last week of October 2002 saw the potting shed partially demolished and rebuilt with new timber. A pair of doors have been built into the front to enable a new siding to pass through to the garage so that the stock can be driven in & out in stead of having to lift them.
Now all I need is some more rail! Update!! Rail now to hand, track
See links below:-

Sidings & pointwork Some new pictures added 17/12/2004
New pond siding- click here. Latest developments. 17/12/2004

Home Track Tour
Sidings & pointwork
Loco's Rolling Stock Links

Email me at

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All photo's and content on this page ©Terry Bowden. 26 November 2002
Website constructed and maintained by Terry Bowden using Microsoft FrontPage.